Sunday 24 April 2016

Srawberry Ricotta Cake

Brilliant cheesecake that isn't a cheesecake. Really tasty and easy to make. 

420g ricotta cheese
2 large eggs
180g golden caster sugar or soft brown
1 tsp vanilla extract
100g melted butter
180g self- raising flour

  1. Preheat the oven to150 fan/ 170C/ gas mark 3 and grease and line the base of a non-stick round spring form tin, measuring about 23cm diameter.
  2. Put the ricotta, eggs, sugar and vanilla in a mixing bowl and whisk until well combined and bubbles form on top.
  3. Beat in the butter.
  4. Sift in the the flour beating well.
  5. Spoon into the tin and smooth out evenly making a dent in the centre.
  6. Bake for 35-40 minutes until firm but springy.
  7. Cool in the tin for 20 minutes then remove the sides.
  8. When completely cool remove the paper and place on a serving place.

For the strawberry topping:
300g strawberries
2 tbsp white caster sugar
1 level tsp cornflour

  1. Put the strawberries in a saucepan and sprinkle the sugar over.
  2. Heat gently until the sugar has dissolved.
  3. Transfer to a bowl to cool.
  4. Sieve the juice of the cooled strawberries in a pan and stir in the cornflour heat until simmering stirring well. Cool.

To finish the cake:
Use a small biscuit cutter to cut five rounds in the top of the cake and carefully lift them out using a spoon.
Spoon some of the thickened juice into each scooped out bit and place a strawberry in the middle.
Either serve the rest of the fruit with the cake or arrange on top.
Serve with cream or ice cream.

To vary:
Use other soft fruits, such as raspberries or gooseberries. Add more sugar to the gooseberries though.
Add 1 tsp of almond extract instead of vanilla and 50g chopped glacé cherries. Stir them in with the almonds.
Instead of vanilla add the juice and zest of 1 lemon.
Add 100g melted chocolate when you add the butter and 15 g of cocoa to the flour, reduce the amount of flour to 165g

For an easy topping, combine 200g ricotta with 200g icing sugar beat until smooth then spread on top of the cooled cake.